Friday, 22 September 2017
scratch animation
this is scratch animation that i made press one of these a letters on your key board and it will do a animation
click the link and then click allow and it will let you play the animation
click the link and then click allow and it will let you play the animation
- What did like about the task?that we could do whatever we wanted to
- What didn’t you like about the task? I didn't not like anything
- What was challenging for you?thinking what you should do with your characters.
- Which 2 learning muscles did you use and how?i used my collaboration muscle and worked with people.i used my perseverance muscle and never gave up
Monday, 18 September 2017
Wednesday, 6 September 2017
the bike race
Today is the big day the bike race to be the best biker in the world.I am so ready because i have been training day and night but not to late at night. Also i know a little about the track i know that it can be gnarly i know that it has sharp corners and i know that it has jumps. All of those thing are pretty hard to get past but i think i can do it. But before the race i need to check some things on my bike these are the thing that i have to check i need to see if i have any flat tires and i need to check if my brakes still work so i check both of those things and there are no flat tires and the brakes still work which is good. Now i need to add a few things to my bike that will help in the race so this is what i am adding rocket boosters to make my bike go faster and i am adding blades on the wheels to pop other people's tyres. Those two things will be really helpful in the race. On race day for breakfast i have toast and a V. That’s normal food but the v will give me lots of energy which will help a lot.
I went to the race now when the race was about to start the crowd went silent so silent the you could hear a pin drop i didn't know how they were doing that though it burning hot out here. go!! The starter person said as the crowd goes wild. We all raced around the track i was coming 6th now 5th now i was coming 4th. This was great but if i could just get past the person in front of me i would be in the top 3 but we were on our last lap so this was going to be hard. I almost past come on, but unfortunately the race ended. He just bait me but it was so close.
After I was very tired because i went as fast as i could in the race but i would be even more tired if it was not for that V which was great
Wednesday, 30 August 2017
Monday, 21 August 2017
mammoth writing
The mammoth is me destroying the city with my huge tusk and everybody is being chickens except for the guy taking photos in the background. I am being the strongest mammoth ever and the bravest because cops could shoot at me at any moment. After one hour, the whole city is destroyed because i am gigantic strong and evil
Thursday, 17 August 2017
Monday, 14 August 2017
Thursday, 3 August 2017
famous people
How are Famous People Good Learners?
WAL how to stretch our IMITATION learning muscle.
- Choose a famous person.the rock
- How is your person a role model for learning?respect for his fans.responsibility with his lawyers. He shows personal best when he's fighting in wwe.
- What learning muscles do you think they are they strongest at? Why?personal best
- What beliefs, values, attitudes and behaviour helped them to achieve?his perseverance when fighting.
holiday pocket money
Name of problem:holiday pocket money
Describe the problem:i got $60 in holiday pocket money i spent 3-4 of it on toys. then he spent 1-3 with what was left on lollies.finally i bought 2 pies that were $2 each how much money do i have left.
These are the strategies and knowledge I used to solve the problem.
(add more bullet points for each step)
Describe how you used 2 learning muscles:
i used my managing by not talking to other people except for my group and miss coombs.i used my perseverance muscle by keeped on going and never gave up.
Making Links
cold poem
It's so cold.
So Extremely cold.
It is so cold,
Frozen Rain pours down like hail.
Dogs freeze while running,
Dogs freeze while running,
Squirrels lie on each other’s frozen coats trying to keep them warm.
It is so cold,
Sharks freeze,
Kangaroo's legs freeze,
Pizzas bite themselves because their warm,
Shorts get frozen twice over.
It's so cold,
Pools water freeze
The frozen legs of its side get colder
Army's retreat it is too cold to fight.
Written by Conner Abraham Smith
Wednesday, 2 August 2017
Tuesday, 25 July 2017
lukes house
In the holidays i came to my friends Lukes house at 5:30 pm. but there was alex there and lukes brother Zack and my brother came to stay the night as well lachlan. the first thing we did there was go on his computer and played games. at 6:00 pm our dinner was ready we had hot dogs. after we finished dinner we played spot light with Alex Zack and Lachlan. but after a few rounds me and Luke got board so we went inside and played more games well the other were still out 9:00 pm we went to bed and played on my tablet then at 9:30 pm went to sleep. {the next day}.today me and look woke up at 6:00 am and went onto the computer and played more games. at 8:30 and that is how you know they are 9:00 am we went to the movies but Lukes mum did not with us she went back to her house because Luke new the way back there from the movies.the movie that we watch was spider man homecoming winch went for almost two hours. after the movies we went home but on the way back we went to Alexs house and played on the tramp and in there hut made out of wood.after that we went back to Lukes house and played on the computer. about one hour later my mum got here and i went home.
Monday, 24 July 2017
Thursday, 6 July 2017
2.i made this out of pant and a cardboard box.
bread!!!!!! vs knife!!!
Once upon a time there lived a great warrior named knife he lived in a far away land could dishwasher kingdom. there he met many of opponents but none of them was a good challenge knife was sad.then he met a warrior named plate “battle me you dimwit” “do you really think you can beat dump knife you must have brain damage” knife!!!! Vs plate!!!! Knife is victories “you win this one knife but “i will return and beat you in a fight knife” but even know knife won he was still sad so knife travel away from dish kingdom to find a worthy opponent.
In a far away land could kitchen ground castle there lived a warrior named bread there he met lot of opponents but bread was sad he could not win a single match no matter how hard he tried he just could not win so bread traveled away from kitchen ground castle to find an opponent that he could beat.then after two long journeys bread and knife met “battle me bread you idiot” “you are the only idiot here knife” bread!!!!!!! Vs knife!!! Bread and knife battle for hours and hours but then bread has an i dear so bread jumps at knife he raps around knife's handle and chucks him away bread is victories so now bread is happy that he won and knife is happy that he lost the end
Wednesday, 28 June 2017
Wednesday, 14 June 2017
bully letter
Write your letter in the box below.
Bullying hurts people's feelings No more pushing
and stealing people's lunch money it makes people really sad
and depressed and no more lying to everyone.
Bullying is wrong because it sometime hurts them for real.
what i'm saying is that you need to stop bullying it is really mean.
try to be there friend for a day or longer
Friday, 26 May 2017
quick write
Time to deliver all of these 2000 bananas to new world smash smash smash aw what was that i will go and check it out oh no someone crashed into my van no all of the bananas have fallen out and that's how that happened the end
New screen time guidelines
May 10, 2017
Daily recreational screen time, sleep and exercise guidelines have been released for children and teenagers (aged 5 to 17 years) by the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education and Sport NZ.
The broad guide for a “healthy 24 hours” is:
• No more than two hours per day of recreational screen time.
• Uninterrupted sleep of 9 to 11 hours a night for 5- to 13-year-olds, and 8 to 10 hours for 14- to 17-year-olds, with consistent bed and wake-up times.
• An accumulation of at least one hour a day of moderate to vigorous physical activity, and for activities that strengthen bones and muscle, such as jumping and skipping, to be done at least three times a week.
• Sit less and move more often.
Health Minister Dr Jonathan Coleman said the latest guidelines supported the childhood obesity plan, released in October 2015.
About 30 per cent of adults and 10 per cent of children are obese. New Zealand has the third-highest rate of adult obesity of developed countries.
May 10, 2017
Daily recreational screen time, sleep and exercise guidelines have been released for children and teenagers (aged 5 to 17 years) by the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education and Sport NZ.
The broad guide for a “healthy 24 hours” is:
• No more than two hours per day of recreational screen time.
• Uninterrupted sleep of 9 to 11 hours a night for 5- to 13-year-olds, and 8 to 10 hours for 14- to 17-year-olds, with consistent bed and wake-up times.
• An accumulation of at least one hour a day of moderate to vigorous physical activity, and for activities that strengthen bones and muscle, such as jumping and skipping, to be done at least three times a week.
• Sit less and move more often.
Health Minister Dr Jonathan Coleman said the latest guidelines supported the childhood obesity plan, released in October 2015.
About 30 per cent of adults and 10 per cent of children are obese. New Zealand has the third-highest rate of adult obesity of developed countries.
1. Who is the main person or group of people in this news article? Dr jonathan
2. What was the key event from the news article?run around more
2. What was the key event from the news article?run around more
3. In your own words describe what happened in this news's a health article
4. Explain in your own words why this event took be fit
5. KWL
Write what you KNOW about the topic in the article, what you would LIKE to find out and then what you have long are you supposed to be on devices in a day i learnt that you should always be outside more than on devices in a day.
Thursday, 25 May 2017
how to make slime
How to make slime.
You will need how to make it
Glue get a bowl
cold Water. tip ½ cups of glue into the bowl then put in 8-10
Food coloring drops of food coloring. put in ½ cups of
2 bowls cold water then you get another bowl and
Hot water then you put in ⅙ cups of hot water. put
Borax. 2 teaspoons of borax stir it then you get the
Things in the other bowl then dip them into the
Other bowl then mix them up then you have got
slime. Tuesday, 23 May 2017
New screen time guidelines
May 10, 2017
Daily recreational screen time, sleep and exercise guidelines have been released for children and teenagers (aged 5 to 17 years) by the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education and Sport NZ.
The broad guide for a “healthy 24 hours” is:
• No more than two hours per day of recreational screen time.
• Uninterrupted sleep of 9 to 11 hours a night for 5- to 13-year-olds, and 8 to 10 hours for 14- to 17-year-olds, with consistent bed and wake-up times.
• An accumulation of at least one hour a day of moderate to vigorous physical activity, and for activities that strengthen bones and muscle, such as jumping and skipping, to be done at least three times a week.
• Sit less and move more often.
Health Minister Dr Jonathan Coleman said the latest guidelines supported the childhood obesity plan, released in October 2015.
About 30 per cent of adults and 10 per cent of children are obese. New Zealand has the third-highest rate of adult obesity of developed countries.
May 10, 2017
Daily recreational screen time, sleep and exercise guidelines have been released for children and teenagers (aged 5 to 17 years) by the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education and Sport NZ.
The broad guide for a “healthy 24 hours” is:
• No more than two hours per day of recreational screen time.
• Uninterrupted sleep of 9 to 11 hours a night for 5- to 13-year-olds, and 8 to 10 hours for 14- to 17-year-olds, with consistent bed and wake-up times.
• An accumulation of at least one hour a day of moderate to vigorous physical activity, and for activities that strengthen bones and muscle, such as jumping and skipping, to be done at least three times a week.
• Sit less and move more often.
Health Minister Dr Jonathan Coleman said the latest guidelines supported the childhood obesity plan, released in October 2015.
About 30 per cent of adults and 10 per cent of children are obese. New Zealand has the third-highest rate of adult obesity of developed countries.
1. Who is the main person or group of people in this news article? Dr jonathan
2. What was the key event from the news article?run around more
2. What was the key event from the news article?run around more
3. In your own words describe what happened in this news's a health article
4. Explain in your own words why this event took be fit
5. KWL
Write what you KNOW about the topic in the article, what you would LIKE to find out and then what you have LEARNT.i learnt that you should always be outside more than on devices every day no matter long should you be on devices a day.i know that you should always try to be fit no matter what.
Friday, 19 May 2017
Monday, 15 May 2017
Find the perimeter of the school hall: m
- Calculate the area of the school hall: m
159m perimeter
1285m2 area
Thursday, 11 May 2017
cyclone cook
Set the scene
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Where were you?
At home
What were you doing?
Waching tv
During the storm
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How did you know the storm was raging?
(Did it start suddenly or did it build up? What did you hear? See? Feel?)
I saw rain
I felt the ground moving
How did you feel during the storm?
I felt calm
What did you do?
Wach tv
The next day
| |
What damage had the storm caused?
Bushis had fell over
How did that make you feel?
Cyclone cook was a really big storm in cyclones in the center is a big gape in there it is not as powerful rain so it is the best place to be in a cyclone.
How it was in cyclone cook
When the cyclone was happening we did not get hit that bad the worst thing that happened was that there was a bunch of sticks and leafs on the ground we did not have a blackout like lots of other people did.but it was SO LOUD!!!.
Monday, 8 May 2017
Thursday, 4 May 2017
Thursday, 13 April 2017
This is me Conner
I am fun i am fast i am i am good at rugby and soccer.i am creative i am responsible i have pride i am a Jedi favorite ball game is rugby my favorite board game is monopoly i am the second best level of good people in the class.i go to parkvale school my favorite subject is maths.i have a big brother named lachlan he is 10 years old i am 8 years old.
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